Archive for Oktober, 2004

Okt. 2004

Back in Town

We’re back. Back and exhausted. This whole day was just too much, so when we got back here we went right for the TV and both fell asleep. So, I’m not going to write a lot now, but save it for later when I’m more motivated. Until then, I have some pictures… Before… …and after […]

Okt. 2004

Sheep and Hearts

This will be the shortest blog so far, cause I’m really tired and I just long for my bed, but I couldn’t wait to post this: Sheep and Hearts I’ll gossip when I’m back on Saturday. Until then, have a great time! Current mood: Exhausted and excited. Listening to: Are you kidding me? I’m tired […]

Okt. 2004

Ready… Set… Limp!

I bought new shoes today for Friday. I didn’t want to spend too much, but we found some nice ones that actually fit with the dress plus I can wear them to any regular work outfit, so hopefully it’s money well spent. The bad news is I really have to get used to these shoes, […]

Okt. 2004

My Head Hurts

…and I did not drink. No, I’m still sick and it’s actually getting worse. My body’s temperature is going up and down just as it pleases, I’m sneezing and coughing, I have headaches… Bottom line: I’m not fine. I went to the course today and left early again. The main reason I went there was […]

Okt. 2004

Caught a Cold

I felt it coming and now it’s finally happening. I’m officially ill. Not ill in a have-to-stay-in-bed-way, but more in a don’t-feel-so-alright-and-need-even-more-sleep-than-usual-way. It’s mostly a sore throat which hurts with every swallowing, which is one of the most unnerving not-serious illnesses I know. It just hurts the whole damn time, but it seems so unimportant […]

Okt. 2004

Why Does It Always Rain On Us?

Today I was in the mood to actually do something, especially since I would love to get something nice to wear at Tina and Torsten’s wedding next Friday, so I asked Pi to come to Cologne and meet me after my course. I called him on my way to Neumarkt to check if he was […]

Okt. 2004

Thoughts on Blogs

Since I’ve created my own blog and trying hard not to let it die too soon, I’ve been spending some time browsing other people’s blogs, marvelling. This is a strange world out there. It’s like that No Doubt song ‚Different People‘; ‚ So many different people. So many different ways. For better or for worse, […]

Okt. 2004

A Weekend Full of Nothing

Man, am I lazy. I spent the whole weekend catching up on TV shows. No, I’m not kidding. I really did. And yes, I know it’s pathetic. No need to tell me. But then again, I made some progress regarding Alias and Dead Like Me. I haven’t been able to watch the new episodes from […]

Okt. 2004

So, tomorrow’s Friday, huh? Damnit!

I’m totally wasted. We just got back from my parents where we had a nice evening with food and wine and my family and I feel like I’m really really drunk. Which means that I probably made a fool of myself talking to my cousin’s friend from Orlando without noticing it at all. And she’s […]

Okt. 2004

Same day… later

Home is so much better. Pi is in the living room watching TV and I find some time to write before we watch one more episode of Alias on DVD. Pi commented on this show to be something like James Bond light and since I know what he meant I agree. Bottom line is we […]

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