Archive for September, 2007

Sep. 2007

Once Again It’s Oh So Quiet

And that is because we don’t have internet yet. Yes, you heard right. Me. No internet. This is a very strange world where something like this actually happens and nobody dies or at least goes crazy because of it. There once was some unsecured network in the new apartment, but it’s either gone or its […]

Sep. 2007

That Damn IKEA Furniture

So here I am, staring at that IKEA table and wondering whether I should take out those last screws as well. I have no idea how it will fall apart and I remember this part was a pain in the ass back when we put it together, so I’d rather just leave it as is, […]

Sep. 2007

Bye, Bye Town.

We’re moving on Sunday. And I have no idea how much chaos it’s gonna be. Maybe none at all, but who knows? Anyway, we’re moving, and I am hopeful that everything will sort itself out. It always does, doesn’t it?

Sep. 2007

I Did It!

I ran a 10k and survived. And I even got a fancy medal. There. See. I still don’t know in what time I finished it, but I guess something between 1:15 and 1:20. We did the first four laps in nearly exactly 15 minutes each, but I think the last one was a bit slower. […]

Sep. 2007

Ten Isn’t That Much More Than Six, Is It?

Today I will try to run a 10k without dying. Let’s hope I succeed. Afterwards I might go out with some friends from work, one of whom won’t be with the company much longer, since she decided to go back to the USA, to which I have no more to say than Liz, I hope […]

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