Archive for the 'On Blogging' Category

Dez. 2009

Blog Updates, Again

Once again, I’d like to remind those of you who are still subscribed to this feed, that really, nothing’s happening here anymore. It’s all, all, all over at Squarespace, Tumblr and Twitter. And yes, I actually post stuff there. Like this… What Code Coverage is Good For Everybody Loves a Code Review Ensuring Good Passwords: […]

Aug. 2009

Blog Updates

Again I ask: What are you still doing here? All the interesting stuff is over at Squarespace and Tumblr. So this is just a reminder from your friendly blogger to update your feed reader and/or head over to where the real action is: Blog post: Mini-Blogging: What’s Eating My Time Blog post: Now, How’s That […]

Juni 2009

It Is On!

What are you still doing here? All the interesting stuff is over at Squarespace and Tumblr. Just in case you forgot to update your feed reader, here are the links to the new stuff. Blog post: Pimp My iPod Blog post: Moving a Blog Here Be Subtlety at Tumblr

Juni 2009

On the Move… Again

Here be Subtlety is moving. Again. And yes, I’m actually talking about this blog. I wouldn’t spend two weekends painting various rooms of this apartment if I didn’t plan on staying for a while longer. After my 14 days trial of Squarespace came close to an end, I decided that yes, it was worth the […]

Apr. 2009

Internet Pet Peeves

I have loads of pet peeves ready and available for about every aspect of life, but here are two recent ones that concern the internet: „Under construction“ sites. Stop it. If there’s nothing on there why do you have to put up a link there in the first place? Why do you make me click […]

Apr. 2009

WordPress Tip of the Day

Do that: … to avoid this:

Apr. 2009

Muddling Through WordPress Widgets

Since I am now using widgets to put together my sidebar I ran into the problem of adding a bit more customized content to the sidebar. However, I managed to add my latest tweet from twitter plus a cute photo experiment to the sidebar by using the Test widget. Now I was wondering whether I […]

Apr. 2009

That’s What I Said (Usability and Common Sense)

Today I got a new Amazon parcel, containing new books. So now I finally can call a copy of Don’t Make Me Think by Steve Krug my own. And here’s the question: Why did it take me so, so long to buy this book? Admittedly I’m only a few pages in, but I have a […]

Apr. 2009

Here Be No Captchas

A couple of days ago David Pogue wrote about two of his pet peeves and although I have never encountered the first one (having to confirm you’re a real human being when sending a mail to someone by taking an online test), I do agree that captchas are annoying. I do see why people would […]

März 2009

Plugins, Blogrolls and a Cloud to Consolidate

I’m currently trying to bring some order into my online life. The first step was probably to switch from Bloglines to Google Reader, a decision I haven’t regretted one single bit so far. I had been using Bloglines for a couple of years and I was never really unhappy with it, so I didn’t even […]

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