Archive for Juni, 2006

Juni 2006

Late for the Summer Burn 2006

I haven’t sent out my CDs yet, but I will either tomorrow or on Friday. I just never make it to the post office in time these days. Sorry to those who have to wait. I have the mixes ready, though, so don’t worry. For everybody else who wants to know, here’s the track listing […]

Juni 2006

Neglecting the Blog. Again.

There’s things to write about and stuff to tell, but I just can’t seem to find the right moment to actually do it. Damn. Please be patient with me. I know I’ll come around, I always do. Just not tonight, maybe tomorrow. (And of course, what can you expect. I came home after work today […]

Juni 2006

Write on, Meg!

I just started reading „The Princess Diaries“ on the bus today and I already know I’m going to love it. This is fun, quick, hilarious, just the kind of stuff I really really adore. So it’s very hard for me not to go to Amazon right now and just order all the other books of […]

Juni 2006

They’re All Bad.

You can vote for your favorite literary villain here. I’m surprised by how many of those books and stories I know, but I haven’t decided yet. It’s a tough choice. Though I don’t think that Captain Hook or The Grinch actually belong there. When I read Peter Pan I actually sympathized with Captain Hook a […]

Juni 2006

What the…?

I finished „The Amber Spyglass“ yesterday. For those of you who don’t know that book, it’s the third (and last) part of the „His Dark Materials“ series by Philip Pullman. And it’s a desaster. For one thing, if you asked me why it’s called „His Dark Materials“ I couldn’t possibly give you the answer. Because […]

Juni 2006

Future Plans

Today we took a walk and discussed a few things considering the nearer future. Just so you know, they don’t involve me going back to school in October. And before you start to feel sorry, I’d like to say: Don’t. Only if are filthy rich and want to try something different like putting me through […]

Juni 2006

Summer Nostalgia

Summer is here and it looks like it might just be about to stay. Let’s hope so. You can never trust the weather in Germany but once in a while we get lucky and then we have a marvelous summer. I love it when it happens. It fills my head with childhood nostalgia of those […]

Juni 2006

TV Truth

Anything with Kyle MacLachlan in it just can’t be really bad. There’s all I have to say about that.

Juni 2006

Goal Half Accomplished

I want to read 52 books this year. One for each week, as easy as that. If I counted right today I finished my 26th book. Considering that there’s still a bit left of the first half of the year I’d say that there’s a good chance I might accomplish my goal this year. Let’s […]

Juni 2006

I Want To Go To Bed

I’m not feeling so well. My stomach feels strange, a strange combination of stomach ache and an underlying feeling that I might just better throw up. I’m starting to like soccer, by the way. This feels just as strange as my stomach, but it is happening. I start to understand certain rules of the game […]

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