Archive for Juli, 2008

Juli 2008

As For Relaxing…

I almost forgot… yes, of course there will be a short vacation this year as well. This year the planning more or less fell into my hands (again, I’d say), with a few basic requirements. Not too far away, but nice. The not too far away mostly was a requirement because again we will only […]

Juli 2008

Home Improvement – Light Edition

These past days I’ve been thinking about (re-)decorating the apartment. The re- you could probably omit (hence the brackets), since the problem right now is exactly the lack of any decoration so far. Mostly I want to paint some walls, and I was thinking a dark red for the dining room, some nice light brown […]

Juli 2008

Hey, It’s That Book!

I’m usually not a big fan of long books. But recently I found that all the books on my nightstand were over a thousand pages (although I managed to slip some short ones in, Matt Ruff’s Bad Monkeys and Mark Dunn’s Ella Minnow Pea, which I finished in no time). It started with Against the […]

Juli 2008

The Random Lyrics Game

As seen at Srah’s. Here are the rules… 1. Put your mp3 player or music player on your computer on random. 2. Post the first four lines from the first 20 songs that play, no matter how embarrassing the song (Skip repeat artists). 3. Post and let everyone you know guess what song and artist […]

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