Archive for Juli, 2005

Juli 2005

A Forrest Gump Moment

Oh, hey, the rain’s falling sideways. Now here’s something you don’t see every day. I can only hope that my husband is currently NOT on his bike on the way home.

Juli 2005

Beware, Streets Of My Hometown

I drove! I drove a real car! Better yet, I drove my parents‘ car which just proves how much my mother trusts me. That may not sound very spectacular to you, but it is when you consider that I haven’t driven a car in about 4 years or more. Even more I think. And with […]

Juli 2005

I Need Therapy

When I read my last post again I noticed a typo and I thought something like: „What’s wrong with you, WordPress? You didn’t see this was a typo and tried to make it better all your own? Now, I have to go through all the procedure and do it myself? Where’s your pride?“ I keep […]

Juli 2005

I Will Never EVER Have A Life

You wanna know how I spent my Sunday afternoon? I sat on the couch and watched Gilmore Girls. And I know it’s stupid and wrong and immature and lazy and there are so many other things I could spend my time with that are probably better and let’s not forget it is summer and actually […]

Juli 2005

I’ll Never Have A Life

I could stay up all nights watching Gilmore Girls. Yes, it’s a shame I just started to watch it, it took me way too long already, but now I do watch it and I can’t stop. It’s just the kind of TV show that makes me want to have all the characters as best friends. […]

Juli 2005

One Click Takes You Away

Woo-hoo! We did it! Hey, all of you Great Lakes States… Illinois, Michigan, Ohio, Indiana and what-not. This fall we will come, see and conquer. Are you excited now, too? And now, please excuse, while I start to worry about all the things that could go wrong. I can get insurances where, again?

Juli 2005

What I Learned Today

Today’s lesson was: If you want to get somewhere with a meeting you should take care that you don’t bring in the two most ineffective (in the sense of making a point and/or chanelling a discussion) women of the company. Because they will drive you even further away from whatever you wanted to achieve. It […]

Juli 2005

Watch Me, I’m The Muffin Woman

It’s 23:18 pm and I just got a tray of very much selfmade raspberry muffins out of the oven. Obesessed much? You don’t say.

Juli 2005

Very Dead People

Can you google for your great-grand-father and come up with four pages? Because I can. Kind of makes me proud. (Although, I admit, I had nothing to do with it.) Update: Because srah and I were sending emails back and forth playing „My-grandfather-was-hotter-than-yours“* I scanned that picture of my grand-greatfather (with my great-grandmother). He’s not […]

Juli 2005

Sometimes They’re Not So Wrong

Because blondelibrarian did it, I had to as well: Your travel type: Culture Buff The culture buff needs to see a museum, an art gallery, a 16-th century church every day during his holiday. When he travels he is always well prepared. He has read history books, speaks a few words of the lingo, knows […]

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