Thoughts on Blogs
Since I’ve created my own blog and trying hard not to let it die too soon, I’ve been spending some time browsing other people’s blogs, marvelling. This is a strange world out there. It’s like that No Doubt song ‚Different People‘; ‚ So many different people. So many different ways. For better or for worse, different people‘.
I’ve seen blogs that I had no interest in at all. I knew right away that it was nothing I was looking for. Then I’ve seen blogs that had something about them that made me follow them. Just a few, but those really amaze me.
It’s a strange feeling, reading blogs. It’s like snooping around in other people’s lives, kind of like stalking even, but legally, not meaning any harm. Do they really want me to read what they’ve written? Do I really want others to read? I’ve been thinking about contacting some of these people sometime. Maybe I will. Reading their blog makes me feel like I’m missing something about them and their life. Something I may be able to reach just through direct contact.
Current mood: Not quite as thoughtful and/or sentimental as my entry might suggest. Smiling actually.
Listening to: Still True by Lori Carson, my idol.