Note to Self
Running with a stomach full of gnocchi and chili is never a good idea. I mean, really, why don’t I ever learn.
Running with a stomach full of gnocchi and chili is never a good idea. I mean, really, why don’t I ever learn.
So yesterday we bought an apartment. Feels weird. And good. And really weird.
Examples: Harry Potter Buffy Gilmore Girls Mad About You Exceptions to the rule: Arrested Development Veronica Mars
I suddenly got an amazing yearning for Gilmore Girls. So I suspect that sooner or later this day I’m going to make camp on the couch with various types of junk food on the one and the remote control on the other side. The thought of this alone makes me really giddy. But I have […]
Now that I’m done with the important reading, please let me go back to missing Kraków fervently. I wonder if Kraków misses us, too.
This is stolen from srah. But it’s not like it’s my fault that all the good ideas are taken already. Note: Somehow this post slipped into private mode. I don’t know how it happened, so just know that this was by accident and never intended. The Amazing 2007 Harry Potter Live Blogging Event at Here […]
So let me continue: Hello street. Hello home. Hello couch. Hello kitchen. Hello bed. Hello books. Hello bathroom. Hello computer. Unfortunately no hello to our neighbor so far, which wouldn’t be too bad IF SHE DIDN’T HAVE MY HARRY POTTER IN HER APARTMENT. COME HOME ALREADY!
If I can’t have the seventh Harry Potter in English on the weekend, at least I can have the first one in Polish. Not that I speak Polish, but still. I mean I’ve got the first Potter in Latin and it’s not like I really can read that either.
Via srah. My Score: Longcat 85% Affectionate, 43% Excitable, 42% Hungry Protector of truth. Slayer of darkness. Loooooong. Longcat may seem like just a regular lengthy cat, but he is, in fact, looong. For proof, observe the longpic. It is prophesized that Longcat and his archnemesis Tacgnol will battle for supremacy on Caturday. The outcome […]
I thought it might be of interest that I successfully pulled out my fourth gray hair right here in Kraków. Apparently getting old doesn’t stop when you’re on vacation.