Archive for the 'Life As I Know It' Category

Mai 2009

Paint Job Reloaded

Here’s what I did yesterday. I had to wait until morning to take pictures, because the light wasn’t that good once I was done. The color is not up to criticism, only admiration. I think it looks awesome – and yes, I was a bit scared that I would end up hating the color. But […]

Mai 2009

Monday Link and Video Dump

So, here’s what I have been up to (in no particular order)… Watching and loving Smart Girls at the Party. From the four episodes I’ve seen so far, I think this one’s my favorite: Watching and loving this season’s American Idol. I’m now a bit town, but I think I got it figured out now. […]

Apr. 2009

Watching House

Just when I started to complain that House was getting a bit underwhelming, they got it together and surprised me again and again and again and again. To start with House nearly literally jumped the shark which made me giggle, then they did the Locked In episode, which was pure TV show genius, in the […]

Apr. 2009

New White Shiny Toy

Today I finally got my external hard disk. Thanks to the support of Timo the decision on the what was easy, the decision on where to buy was pretty much settled when none of the tech stores had what I wanted and even if they had kind of what I wanted it was a lot […]

Apr. 2009

One, Two, Three, Four,… Ten Candles

I really like this video. Somehow it manages to give a very good and remarkably quick overview on how Google evolved over the past ten years.

Apr. 2009

Desktop Setup Documented

Turns out I have nothing better to do on a Sunday than taking pictures of how my desktop looks like. Oh well. (Hint, if you click on the picture, you will be taken to the flickr page and be able to see tons of totally useful notes on what all of the stuff actually is.)

März 2009

A Movable Home for the Mac


Feb. 2009

Why I Use Twitter and Why You Probably Can’t Read It

I’ve registered with Twitter about two weeks or so ago as an experiment. To be honest, Twitter was one of the many Web phenomena that I thought I simply couldn’t care less about. I neglect my blogs enough as it is, I sometimes have to get over myself to load pictures onto Flickr and I […]

Jan. 2009

Facing South

I just got done with what was probably one of the quickest office furniture rearrangements ever. That’s what you get when you’re home office only holds a table and two IKEA shelves. Although I could fit in a third shelf if I wanted. Basically I just moved the table from one wall to the other. […]

Jan. 2009

Tiny Link Dump

The 2009 Puddly Awards, because it’s good every year and you should go and vote. Like now. I already did. Visual Subtleties, because it’s by me. That’s more or less the only reason and I’m still working on it, so be patient. Besides, comments are in German, mostly because I felt like it. That’s all. […]

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