My Head Hurts
…and I did not drink.
No, I’m still sick and it’s actually getting worse. My body’s temperature is going up and down just as it pleases, I’m sneezing and coughing, I have headaches… Bottom line: I’m not fine.
I went to the course today and left early again. The main reason I went there was that I had all these CDs for Andreas I knew he desperately waited for and apart from that he would be pissed if I didn’t show up. Well, he’s gonna be royally pissed when I won’t shop up tomorrow. No way I’m going anywhere but to the doctor tomorrow. I have a wedding to go to on Friday and a beautiful dress to wear by the way. I need to stay in bed and get well in three days! So I got the „You can’t leave me here alone“-speech from Andreas today and I just could not tell him that I would actually leave him alone for four whole days. I wish I could deal with it better, but I can’t. I just can’t call him on the whole thing, so I choose to keep my mouth shut and just sit it out.
I added Veronica Mars to my favorite-show-list this weekend. The fourth episode rocked and I’m hooked now. But that’s just some minor thing.
We also got our present (well, part of it) for Tina and Torsten today. I ordered some vegetarian recipes written on small colorful slips of paper and rolled up just like lots. So if you don’t know what to cook you just can draw a recipe. They come in a big preserving jar. When I first saw this is a magazine I knew it was the perfect gift for Tina. Let’s hope she thinks so, too. We also plan to make a song compilation for them including some arrangement Pi made (we still need to record the singing which will sound great with my cracked sniffing voice) and I also wanted to bake some cookies. Apart from that I need new shoes although I might go with my regular pair, if I don’t find anything fitting and cheap enough on time. Hell, I’m so excited.
Current mood: Tired, sick, bitchy. The whole package. But I’m really a nice girl.
Listening to: Nothing again. I know.