Archive for Januar, 2007

Jan. 2007

Saturdays in Cologne

We recently got some money from my grandparents. Some as in a lot, but most of it is going directly to the big „saving-for-a-house“-account. A little of it, though, also was carefully distributed all around town on a carefully planned shopping trip to Cologne today. I knew I needed some new clothes, possibly some new […]

Jan. 2007

Watch Me!

I decided to try and do this 365 day project everybody is doing this year. Considering that I got the camera back and now am able to make kick-ass photos of about everything it seems like it’s time. I also might have totally ripped of srah’s buddy icon. Sorry. So there, today is day 1. […]

Jan. 2007

Guess What!

The camera is back.

Jan. 2007

Embrace Your Inner Geek

Yay! The new season of Beauty and the Geek has started! It was only when I watched the season premiere that I realized how much I love this show. So, here are my first thoughts (some spoilers, there, so don’t read if you want to stay unspoiled for the first episode): Tori totally deserved to […]

Jan. 2007

A Year in Review: The Book Stuff

10. John Haskell, American Purgatorio An American road trip, the search of a wife who disappeared, the one book that I literally couldn’t put down, so I stayed awake until really late at night to finish it. I’m still unsure what it was that gripped me so much. 9. Anthony Bourdain: A Cookâ??s Tour I […]

Jan. 2007

New Year’s Eve in a Nutshell

Driving to Darmstadt in stormy weather, fondue with obstacles, really good music, lots of Sekt and one too many Caipirinhas, singing along to Element of Crime songs at 4 am, waking up with a really big hangover and a nice breakfast before driving back home.

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