Archive for Februar, 2006

Feb. 2006

IKEA Makes Jamie Wonder

All our money goes to IKEA lately. A lot of money. A lot of time, too. So it’s a good thing I can at least get a blog entry out of it. Thought 1: Will we go to the special kind of hell you go to for ignoring the IKEA instructions? Somehow they didn’t make […]

Feb. 2006

I Think Weeks Do Evaporate

In case you were wondering: Yes, the husband is fine. As Kjersti confirmed, men do have the tendency to get lost in whatever they are doing, so that it takes them about twice as long as it would take under normal circumstances and naturally they always leave their cellphones at home, so the women can […]

Feb. 2006

A Cellphone Makes Much Sense Staying At Home

There’s only so much time that can pass, before I start worrying why my husband isn’t back from that errand he went out to run. Naturally he always leaves his cell at home, so I can’t even call him to ask what the hell he is doing so long. I hate waiting like that. So […]

Feb. 2006

If I Knew You Were Coming…

Here’s the cake. I’m glad that it didn’t just collapse. The middle layer was our main worry, but it we managed to get it to my cousin’s in one piece – better even: in three pieces. I must admit I am a bit proud (although my mom did most of the work, I was just […]

Feb. 2006

No Time, No Time, Sorry – No Time

My mother is going to be here soon, so she can take me to my parents‘ place and we can bake a three-layer cake for my cousin’s 18th birthday. Because we are damn nice people. And caring. Really really caring. It obviously takes very little to make me feel good about myself. Tragically it’s the […]

Feb. 2006

No Reviews Needed. I Think.

Jenny Lewis with the Watson Twins Rilo Kiley Cat Power Beth Orton Hello Saferide The Clientele Come on, you do trust me, don’t you? I really don’t know what else to write other that I love music. Especially when it’s really good.

Feb. 2006

Money? Who Needs Money?

Today we exchanged a dinner and helping my aunt with her computer for my aunt doing our taxes. I think this is how the world should work.

Feb. 2006

Shortest Vacation Ever

It figures that right on the Sunday before my week off I get a call and have to come in to work five hours. It was really necessary, so I won’t complain and it wasn’t that bad. Especially since I don’t have to work tomorrow in which case I would have been really pissed. I […]

Feb. 2006

A Wish Granted

So this is the first day of my week off. Actually it’s the Saturday before the first day of my week off, but anyhow… I won’t have to go back to work next Monday. A great way to start my vacation would be if the postman would ring and bring me Gilmore Girls season five […]

Feb. 2006

Easy Rules

I think anybody who lists Whitney Houston and Mariah Carey as their favorite singers should be thrown out of the American Idol contest effective immediately. The reason should be obvious. So, sorry Heather, I don’t think I have even heard you sing, but you just failed the most basic musical taste test. Make room for […]

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