Archive for Dezember, 2008

Dez. 2008

Not That Close, So Really No Cigar

Unless I manage to read six books by the end of today I failed my yearly goal to read one book a week. On the other side, 46 is still a lot of books and when I scanned the list just a moment ago, I realized that I might not have read as much this […]

Dez. 2008


The bad thing about not losing your glasses in a hotel in Estonia is that there’s no story to tell. Just because „and then I found my glasses when I unpacked the suitcase back home“ isn’t as good and slightly melancholy an ending as „and now my glasses are forever lost in a hotel in […]

Dez. 2008

Hello Estonia!

It’s cold, it’s windy and I already love it. Plus, they have a garlic restaurant. Awesome.

Dez. 2008

Because it’s Almost Christmas

…this is coming from my latest toy. Guess what.

Dez. 2008

Life Wisdoms

The day you really planned on learning for your certification is the day you start ironing shirts.

Dez. 2008

Goin‘ to Graceland

Last night I dreamed that I was flying to Chicago, because of some developer’s conference. I though that while I was in the area I could pay a visit to Srah. Never mind that Chicago isn’t exactly close to Ohio, because in my dream, it was… However I then realized that the conference was actually […]

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