Archive for Januar, 2008

Jan. 2008

Musical Quote of the Day

I’d take you up so high If I dropped you, you would die But I want you by my side In my jetpack. Jill Sobule – Jetpack

Jan. 2008

Musical Quote of the Day

Everybody’s trying to get into Heaven But nobody’s dead so far Shivaree – Flycatcher

Jan. 2008

If You’re Mad at Us, Just Tell Us

First there was leek. Then half a mandarine, partly rotten. Then on Thursday a dead dove. We’re either really unlucky or someone really hates us and has a really creative way of showing it by throwing stuff on our terrace, increasing the ewww-factor each time. Also, why is it that while the husband watches all […]

Jan. 2008

Musical Quote of the Day

(I mean, hey, at least I’m updating.) And I don’t care if you If you love me tomorrow just Love me tonight and I I will be all right I’ll be all right I’ll be all right Until tomorrow night Martha Wainwright – When the Day is Short

Jan. 2008

Musical Quote of the Day

And I want life in every word To the extent that it’s absurd. The Postal Service – Clark Gable

Jan. 2008

Musical Quote of the Day

I’ll take the second bus home You’ll be none the wiser Goodbye to You – Melissa McClelland

Jan. 2008

It says: Missing In a careless moment I lost my heart here. Maybe you don’t know it yet, but you’ve got it. When you finally find it, give it back to me.

Jan. 2008

Now, are these just plain fugly or are they actually kind of cool? I’m still not sure.

Jan. 2008

Musical Quote of the Day

It’s the perfect time of year Somewhere far away from here I feel fine enough, I guess Considering everything’s a mess. Barenaked Ladies – Pinch Me

Jan. 2008

Of course, that’s not me. How could it? I would never ever make such a face when someone was taking a picture of me. That’s my evil twin who we must have invited to our little New Year’s Eve gathering without thinking about the consequences. Yep. That must be it.

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