Archive for Januar, 2009

Jan. 2009

Going Totally Mobile

If you can read this, the WordPress app for my iPod works. And no, I really can’t think of anything more interesting to try this. We’ll leave more interesting for next time.

Jan. 2009

Sorry, Trees.

Part two of the big home office makeover was going through all the stuff I keep in various boxes and throwing away everything I won’t ever need again. AKA a lot. And the biologist’s daughter’s conscience (i.e. mine) just had to deal with throwing away a heap of documents and papers and whatnot of a […]

Jan. 2009

A Year in Review: The Book Stuff

Lots and lots of great books this year. Once again I had more than ten that I considered top ten worthy, but this is the list that I could agree on with myself in the end. 10. Karen Russell, St. Lucy’s Home for Girls Raised by Wolves In a way, this was a year of […]

Jan. 2009

Facing South

I just got done with what was probably one of the quickest office furniture rearrangements ever. That’s what you get when you’re home office only holds a table and two IKEA shelves. Although I could fit in a third shelf if I wanted. Basically I just moved the table from one wall to the other. […]

Jan. 2009

Personal Feature Wishlist

Hi iTunes, I still would like to see that „Songs And Albums I Want, But Just Not Now, Because I Don’t Have Any Money Right Now (Or I’d Just Feel Bad Spending More)“ reminder list that I think I already wrote about somewhen. Or that might have been water cooler talk. Whatever. Please? Pretty please…??? […]

Jan. 2009

More Visual Input

I just uploaded a whole batch of pictures from our Tallinn vacation. As (nearly) always, you can take a look here.

Jan. 2009

Part II

Now that I met you nothing’s the same It’s not going to be it ever again If you stay or walk away If I’m off or if I’m brave Missed it yesterday… sorry for that, Stina.

Jan. 2009

CQD Reloaded

I half-officially declare this Stina Nordenstam quote week… Now, let’s kick it off with: These are not perfect conditions No this is far from ideal This is a downcast position At least it is real Now, let’s see if at the end of the week I have a vague idea about which Stina album is […]

Jan. 2009

Harder Than You Might Think

I’m still working on last year’s top ten book list. So far at least I put together, but I still have to come up with witty comments and this year’s special categories. And then, if I do have the time (meaning: couch and TV doesn’t sound more appealing) I might also compile my list of […]

Jan. 2009

Tiny Link Dump

The 2009 Puddly Awards, because it’s good every year and you should go and vote. Like now. I already did. Visual Subtleties, because it’s by me. That’s more or less the only reason and I’m still working on it, so be patient. Besides, comments are in German, mostly because I felt like it. That’s all. […]

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