Archive for Juni, 2005

Juni 2005

Advice For Those Of You Who Bike

If you’re having dinner with your mother and a friend of your mother’s who happens to be a professional biker (well not as in biking as a profession, but more like biking professionally) and you also happen to have recently started to go to work by bike every morning AND you also are not a […]

Juni 2005

Joss Night

Yes, I finished Firefly tonight. And now I’m sad. Because there will be a Firefly movie, that just isn’t the same. This show should never have been cancelled and should have gotten at least five brilliant seasons (Why five? Why not?) full of great episodes. GAAAA! Then I started to re-watch Season 2 of Buffy […]

Juni 2005


I think I didn’t sleep at all last night. First of all I had to sleep alone, which I don’t like at all. How do all you single people do that? I remember there were times when I could sleep alone, but somehow I completely forgot what that was like and now I wake up […]

Juni 2005

Basically I’m Six Years Old…

The bright side of my husband going to Munich for two days is that I will be at the airport two evenings in one week. I LOVE the airport. Big letter love. One time when we were coming back from a friend and knew we had to change trains anyway we decided to get off […]

Juni 2005

Who Said I Was Big Girl?

For the next two days I will be alone. My husband leaves tonight for Munich where he holds a two day course in presentation and MS PowerPoint. Apart from the fact, that this is a great opportunity and also means some money we can always need, I don’t like him being away. So, just in […]

Juni 2005

Studying Us

So, srah did it and now I did. When do you?

Juni 2005

The Web Is A Strange Place

Why do I find it intriguing that I could have my very own interactive Ovulation Calendar? Shouldn’t that actually scare me a lot? Yet I’m kinda drawn to it. I figure it’s either because it sounds like such a completely strange useless and weird thing or because I might actually need it one day. Either […]

Juni 2005

And Just Like That I Am A Jealous Woman

I would really like to like Sienna Miller, because she is so beautiful and graceful and hasn’t done me any harm at all. Which might be because we never met, she being a celebrity (although I am not so sure how she made it into In Style) and me, well… not so much. So, because […]

Juni 2005

Not-So-Little-At-All Voice

I can’t help but adore Jane Horrocks with everything I could possibly adore her with. I think even my little toes adore her. Have you heard that girl sing? And if you haven’t, why the freaking hell not? My favorite song of her is ‚Hello Dolly‘ with the imitating of all those great singers. I […]

Juni 2005

Stupid Stupid Stupid Stupid FOX

What else can I say? They’re plain stupid is all there is to say. First they cancel Firefly then they do the same stupid thing to Wonderfalls. They just go around and cancel series whose only flaw may be that they’re too good. If they weren’t showing all the other good shows, I would organize […]

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