Archive for April, 2006

Apr. 2006

Yeah. I Know What They’re Saying. Not.

I sometimes like to watch the evening news on that one channel that comes with these sign language ladies. They kind of split the screen and you have the normal news and the little window with the sign language lady translating at the bottom. Or top. They might change the setup from time to time. […]

Apr. 2006

More Anna Beth?

As it turned out, writing about TwoP staff members brings a hell of a lot random visits to a site. Mine at least. Okay, maybe not a hell of a lot, but I’ve had three people coming over here because they typed „Anna Beth Chao“ into the Google search field and hit ‚Enter‘1. I’m afraid […]

Apr. 2006

Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry.

I am neglecting this blog, I know. I didn’t know how time-absorbing a podcast can be. I’m not a perfectionist, I’m more like a half-perfectionist. It’s like I try to do the best I can, but at the same time I lose patience at one point and just get it done with. Hee. I think […]

Apr. 2006

More Randy Fantalk

You remember when I said I kind of love Randy Newman. Yeah. I recently re-disocovered sail away and now I like to sing along to ‚Last Night I Had a Dream‘, ‚Political Science‘ and ‚Simon Smith and his Amazing Dancing Bear‘ at top notch. Preferably while I’m washing the dishes. I just thought about how […]

Apr. 2006

The Cutest

I believe that it’s a fact that anyone who has a dog or considers himself to have a dog (like I consider myself to have dog because my parents have one) always thinks that his/her dog is the cutest. There’s just no other way how this could possibly work. So, when I talk about a […]

Apr. 2006

So Yes, I Have Better Things To Do. But…

I flickr-stalked a couple of TwoP writers today and I now think that Anna Beth Chao is very pretty. So there. I said it. And I have nothing more important to say. Though I also think that she should update her blog.

Apr. 2006

I Love Me Doggie

How could I not? By the way, you know that something is wrong when your dog is less interested in taking a walk than you are. Today I put the blame on the weather. Our dog is clever enough to remember that lying on the couch is far more comfortable than walking through wind and […]

Apr. 2006

I Just Can’t Help It, pt. 2

I need to stop refreshing my podcast statistics every damn five seconds. I should know by now that though I apparently have a few listeners (How? How did that happen?) the numbers won’t change that often. Damnit. Why don’t they?

Apr. 2006

I Just Can’t Help It

I think I love Randy Newman and I really start to like Reba McEntire. You can blame American Idol for the latter. The Randy Newman thing just happened. It both sounds kind of wrong, but it’s actually really great.

Apr. 2006


Thanks to all of you for your nice comments on the anniversary post. Caitlin suggested that I post our wedding invitation alongside the wedding picture. So here it is. Cutest wedding invitation ever.

bike seat amazon