Archive for November, 2006

Nov. 2006

German Updates

I think it would be nice if I kept you updated on the fun stuff that’s occasionally happening here. Just about two weeks ago they expanded the opening hours in the federal state of Germany I live in. Now all shops and stores are allowed to open around the clock from Monday to Saturday. They […]

Nov. 2006

Where Did This Year Go?

Wasn’t it spring only recently? Anyway, somehow stuff piles up at the end of the year and I’m barely able to catch my breath. In between I get sick (last weekend for the third and hopefully last time). Now there’s dinner with my aunt today, at a great Korean/Japanese restaurant we discovered some weeks ago. […]

Nov. 2006

Say Hello to Knipsi

Last Saturday the husband and I decided to go moderately crazy and buy ourselves a shiny new camera. We wanted the Nikon D50, which is out of production but still available at some stores, though not at the one we went, so we settled for the D70s instead. Now all we need to do is […]

Nov. 2006

Or is It Just on Vacation?

Gaaaaaa! My Mapothadar1 is broken! Whatever shall we do now if he gets lost? — 1 See here and here.

Nov. 2006

Wink Wink

This post reminded me of the fact that I, too, can only wink with one eye. I was surprised to learn that there are people who actually cannot wink at all. Apparently my family has strong winking genes. I am the mutant who can only wink with her left eye. I can curl my tongue […]

Nov. 2006

How I Quit: The Whole Story

So here’s how it was. There had been rumors my company planned to move to another city. It wouldn’t have been far, but definitely too far for me, plus the extra money I would’ve had to spend on my train ticket seemed unreasonably high to me. Given that and a general feeling of non-fulfilling here […]

Nov. 2006

Oh Dear

So today I quit. Feels weird.

Nov. 2006

Lessons Learned Twice

If you are sick, don’t go to work. Just don’t. I’m not saying this because I’m lazy and don’t want to go to work, but because I have tried this twice and both times the sickness came back and worse. That’s why after a mild case of not-so-wellness including off-and-on stomach ache and the like […]

Nov. 2006

What I Learned Today

Telling your boss you’ll quit isn’t nearly as much fun as you might think it is. Especially not if said boss is a really nice guy who isn’t responsible at all for all the little (and not-so-little) things that made you quit. More details to follow.

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