Archive for November, 2004

Nov. 2004

Back and Better

I ran for about 30 minutes. It was pretty nice and I could enjoy the fresh air and the dark and almost empty streets. Pi isn’t home yet. I stopped by the indoor pool to see if I would be there when he was just leaving coincidentally, but it didn’t happen, so I continued to […]

Nov. 2004

Depressed Woman Running

I get home and I am a mess. Right now it’s all too much (don’t ask for details, just know that our life isn’t full of joy at the moment) and I don’t know how much more I can take and not break down. I would love to just stay in bed and cry but […]

Nov. 2004

Emotionally Wrecked

I learned today that you should not read the last 80 pages of ‚The Time Traveler’s Wife‘ on the train. I spent about one hour trying to hold back my tears as best as I could, still I couldn’t prevent my eyes getting watery. I didn’t cry though. At least not while I was on […]

Nov. 2004

Not Again!

I shouldn’t post from work. This is the second time a long post got erased accidentally. I wanted to tell you about my frustrating search for jobs on the internet, our evening at Helene’s place and a lot more and now I lost all motivation. Also, I’m still searching for jobs in another browser and […]

Nov. 2004

Quick Question

Can someone please tell that guy on the other side of the partition that just because his phone has a hands-free option it doesn’t mean that he has to use it for every damn call he makes?!? I really don’t need to listen to all his phone-conversations. I don’t. It’s just plain nerve-racking, that’s what […]

Nov. 2004

Thank God It’s Friday

Today I couldn’t get up as early as yesterday. I kept hitting the snooze button until it was 7:30 am, then finally decided I needed to get up somewhen and it might as well be now. It’s not even like I was especially tired and needed the sleep. It was nearly the opposite. Every time […]

Nov. 2004

Things To Do When You’re Bored, Things To Listen To Because They’re Great

As you might have heard I was bored at work today. Amazingly there’s a site called offering a lot of links that promise at least a little distraction and sometimes fun. I also tried, and several other names to see if somebody was smart enough to get those domains, but I wasn’t […]

Nov. 2004

Why Murphy Was Right (Part I)

Wow! That sucks. I just wrote a real long post telling you all about Tuesday morning and accidentally erased everything. Is there no recovery function here? The irony is that I just tried to copy everything, so that I could at least restore it if anything bad happened while I was writing. It just backfired […]

Nov. 2004

And Murphy Was Right!

I know that now! What happened today that convinced me of the absolute correctness of Murphy’s Law, I will write about that later when I am even more relaxed than I am right now. Everything is over, the tests went fine as far as I can tell. I don’t think that I did excellent, but […]

Nov. 2004

Studying. Finally. …and Freaking Out.

I have only very little time, because I just recently realized how much I don’t know and probably should, so I’m really busy today. I learned all new things about networks, routers, switches, gateways, TCP/IP and stuff and I can honestly say that I have absoultely no idea what it all is about. I’m more […]

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