Archive for März, 2006

Mrz 2006

Plans for October

I started my other blog to write about translating and all the things around it. I write in German, because I want to tell stories about school and my general experiences, so that people in a similar situation (either thinking about majoring in translating or already doing it or, you know, whoever is interested in […]

Mrz 2006

Big Plans For Tuesday

Ehle: Thank you for agreeing with me. Jamie: You’re welcome. Ehle: We should combine forces and take over the world. Ehle: I’m free on Tuesday. Do you think you can schedule a takeover on Tuesday? Jamie: Tuesday’s fine with me. How about after work? That would be around noon your time. Ehle: Noon is good. […]

Mrz 2006

Sell Some Already

The husband, wonderful as he is, got me the Sims add-on ‚Open for Business‘, so now my Sims can stay at home all day and sell stuff in their front yard. They could sell things inside, too, but as of now I really don’t have a florishing business and I don’t want a bunch of […]

Mrz 2006

Hello, Amish People!

I really really want to make some Shoo-Fly Pie. I tried to find a German recipe, because a) I still don’t know how much a cup is supposed to be and b) some of the ingredients confuse me and I would prefer someone telling me the German equivalent. I had Shoo-Fly Pie in Nappanee, because […]

Mrz 2006

I Need a Siesta. Like the People in Spain.

Office hours are just not for me. Maybe that’s part of why I am not too fond of what I’m doing. Anything between noon and approximately 3 pm is just not the best time for me to work. I am good in the morning and I’m also good in late afternoon and early evening. I’m […]

Mrz 2006

Jamie Watches Crime Shows (Only Not Really)

No, I don’t watch a lot of crime shows. For example, I can say (without lying) that I have never seen a complete episode of any C.S.I series. Nope. None. The only two crime shows I currently watch are ‚Bones‘ and ‚Close to Home‘. But ‚Close to Home‘ actually is a law show, so I […]

Mrz 2006

A Trip to a Strange Town

So, on Saturday we finally drove to Düsseldorf to check out the fancy bookstore I read about. It was awesome. Lots and lots and lots of books, bagels for breakfast, everything I could possibly want. Plus, I got the A1-experience of feeling like a tourist in a town that is not even 30 minutes away […]

Mrz 2006

Media Junkie

Well, sometimes I feel like I have no other chance but double-post, writing nearly the exact same blog entry twice, one for each blog. Now, here’s why I am a media junkie. Check out the pictures at flickr for notes. Exhibit A Exhibit B I definitely need help.

Mrz 2006

So This Is How It Looks Like Here

Finally, finally Google Earth has new maps. Finally I can see our house like a really shape and not just a blurry greenish-brownish area. I also found my parents‘ house, the house I lived in in Bonn, My aunt’s house, my grandparents‘ house, the house we lived in in Cologne, all of the schools I […]

Mrz 2006

Fruit & Me

I hardly ever buy fruit. It’s not that I don’t like fruit, I just forget to buy it. And when I remember to buy it, I forget to eat it. Right now I have two delicious oranges on the kitchen counter, waiting to be eaten. I just never think about it. And when I do, […]

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