Basically I’m Six Years Old…
The bright side of my husband going to Munich for two days is that I will be at the airport two evenings in one week. I LOVE the airport. Big letter love. One time when we were coming back from a friend and knew we had to change trains anyway we decided to get off at the airport and just wander around and then take the next train home from there. That’s how much we both love airports.
I can’t even describe why, I just love the atmosphere. All the places you can go from there. The big planes on the ground. All the little shops. So, I’m pretty excited right now, which – come to think of it – is stupid, because the airport isn’t even a one-hour train ride from here. And with my ticket we could go there practically any time we want. Yet we never do, because it’s stupid to just go to the airport for no other reason but to wander around. But since today I have a reason to go, I’m really exicted already. And I’m not even the one boarding the plane.