Joss Night
Yes, I finished Firefly tonight. And now I’m sad. Because there will be a Firefly movie, that just isn’t the same. This show should never have been cancelled and should have gotten at least five brilliant seasons (Why five? Why not?) full of great episodes. GAAAA!
Then I started to re-watch Season 2 of Buffy and had to realize that no matter how hard I try, I just don’t like „When She Was Bad“. I even think that the episode is really good when it comes to all the psychology and emotion and continuity. From a more objective point of view they did a close to great job with that episode. But I just don’t like it. I can’t really handle bitchy Buffy here.
It’s been so long ago that I watched Season 2 the first and last time, back when Andreas gave me his tapes and I watched it in German, so I seem to have forgotten a lot of things. Because I think I already saw the second episode, but I really couldn’t remember a thing. Well, like I said… it was long ago.
Now I am tired and will go to bed and hope the thunderstorm will stop so that I can go to work tomorrow with more than four hours of crappy sleep. This week it’s pretty chaotic at work anyway, so I just don’t need to be awfully tired on top of it.