Hello, Amish People!

I really really want to make some Shoo-Fly Pie. I tried to find a German recipe, because a) I still don’t know how much a cup is supposed to be and b) some of the ingredients confuse me and I would prefer someone telling me the German equivalent.

I had Shoo-Fly Pie in Nappanee, because I read it was great and because I had to find out what Shoo-Fly Pie is. The name doesn’t exactly give anything away. As far as I know there are neither shoes nor flies in it. God, I hope I’m not wrong.

And so, because I’m a sucker for all things super-sweet, I recently decided I want to make one, too.

Hello, Amish people, anyone care to give me the recipe? In German, preferably. I’ll take Pennsylvania Dutch, too, especially since I’d like to know how that works anyway.