Sell Some Already
The husband, wonderful as he is, got me the Sims add-on ‚Open for Business‘, so now my Sims can stay at home all day and sell stuff in their front yard. They could sell things inside, too, but as of now I really don’t have a florishing business and I don’t want a bunch of people crowding my living room and buying nothing. Nothing, I tell you. They’re the worst effing buyers in the world.
Sure, they’re contemplating that bowl of five-day-old mac and cheese for hours, but hard as I try to have my Sim-husband talk to them, they just won’t buy it. And it’s just 7 Simoleons, guys. That’s a damn bargain.
I accidentally put up one of my tables for sale and that was gone in no time, which is not that surprising, considering that I bought it for 115 Simoleons and sold it for 52.
Since I prove to be the world’s worst business-gal I had to send my Sim-me to work as a campaign helper or something. Somebody’s gotta bring some money home and the Sim-husband right now is doing a lousy job.
Also, we1 got robbed. How tragic is that? The next morning my Sims did nothing but run around in their house crying over all the things that were stolen. It was a sad way to start a day.
1The Sims-we. Not the real we. My life is not that bad.