Archive for the 'Yummy' Category

Aug 2006

The Perfect Cake, Maybe?

I have been browsing my cooking magazines constantly the last few days, always in search for a) good things to cook for dinner and b) good things to make for our family reunion in three weeks. Now I finally found the perfect cake to bake for the party. It’s a pie filled with chocolate ganache […]

Aug 2006

Homemade Lemon Iced Tea

Despite being on some weird kind of diet, best described as the „Jamie and Her Husband Try Fruit For a Change“-Diet, I made some lemon iced tea yesterday. The main reason was that I have some lemon squash juice that is a bit past its expiration date, but only a couple of days, so I […]

Jul 2006

Discovering Grapefruit

The husband and I are trying to lose weight these days. One reason why we would do such a tedious and cruel thing is that we actually have gained way too much pounds the past couple of months or so. You just know that something is wrong when some of your own clothes don’t fit […]

Jul 2006

Again: Ta-Da! (Now with Pictures)

And now I proudly present: My first faux bento. There’s a lot of room for improvement, but I do believe that it’s a good start.

Jul 2006


I don’t have picture to show you, but I took one this morning and will upload it as soon as I get home. Anyway, like srah, I was faux-bentoing today. I don’t have my bento box yet, and neither did I have a lot of time this morning, but I finally tried out the onigiri […]

Jul 2006

Good Housewife

This apparently is turning into a food blog. Whatever. Anyway, a few days ago (Sunday I think) I wanted to make dinner and was pretty much convinced that we didn’t have any food in the house. I ended up with a stir fry of marinated chicken, baby corn, yellow bell pepper, snow peas, spring onions […]

Jul 2006

Have the Lunch, Lack the Box

Yesterday I finally made real dinner. It has been some time since I last had the patience to actually cook something that involved more than opening a can or box and just heat up. We had udon noodles with chicken and vegetables (namely snow peas, carrots, baby cornhusks, spring onions and yellow bell pepper) in […]

Jul 2006

Exhausted and Blaming the Sun

I’ve been exhausted all through the week. I mostly blame the weather. It’s been an extraordinary and unusually sunny and warm summer so far. The thing is that where I live you never know what summer is going to be like. It can be all from cold and rainy to sunny and hot. There’s just […]

Jul 2006

Attention Food Fans

Important question: What is the difference between a cupcake and a muffin? What defines a cupcake and what defines a muffin? Are they like siblings or otherwise related? Can they be the same? I mean, they look pretty similar. Please enlighten me.

Jul 2006

Hungry. So So Hungry.

And whose fault is that…? Well, I’ll tell you later. I now know that it’s easily possible to spend a whole morning clicking through all the pictures of the bentobox Flickr group. It also makes your body produce endless amounts of saliva, so you end up drooling in front of your computer. At work. Funny, […]

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