Discovering Grapefruit

The husband and I are trying to lose weight these days. One reason why we would do such a tedious and cruel thing is that we actually have gained way too much pounds the past couple of months or so. You just know that something is wrong when some of your own clothes don’t fit anymore. Another reason is that we want to be really pretty tourists when we are in France in September. Like I want all the French people admire me for my utter beauty and marvellous language skills. Yeah. Sure.

Anyway, I’ve been browsing my cooking magazines for hours ever since we decided we’d lose weight, which is a remarkably stupid thing to do when you don’t want to eat so much. What can I say? If I can’t eat it I at least like to look at it.

Then I read somewhere that grapefruit actually helps you burn fat, so I decided to buy grapefruits despite the fact that I never ate a grapefruit before in my whole life, and for a perfectly good reason, because I don’t like food that’s bitter. I don’t like bitter vegetables (go away, brussels sprouts), I don’t like bitter fruit, I don’t like coffee and I think there’s a reason that sweets are called sweets and that bitter chocolate conflicts with the very concept of sweets. Bitter in my world is bad. I believe that I have very sensitive taste buds.

I bought two grapefruits nonetheless, with nothing but my metabolism in mind. Then I asked my mother what she thought I should do with them. She told me to fillet a grapefruit, sprinkle it with a bit of sugar and put it in the fridge for a while.

So that’s what I did. It wasn’t only the first time I filleted a grapefruit, it was the first time I filleted anything. Filleting fruit always seemed too much work for me, plus I was afraid that I might be disappointed by the outcome. It turned out to be as messy as I though, but I was pretty satisfied with the result. I had a whole plate of carefully filleted grapefruit, sprinkled it with two teaspoons of sugar and then put it in the fridge for about 20 minutes. I think.

Care to know this Sunday’s breakfast? Here it is

1 grapefruit
2 tsp. sugar
2 yoghurts (natural, unsweetened)
4 tsp. honey
additional fruit (optional, but recommended)

Serves 2 dieting people

As I already said I filleted the grapfruit, sprinkled it with sugar and put it in the fridge. Just as my mother told me. I’m a pretty good girl when it comes to that.

I then put each yoghurt in a little bowl and added two teaspoons of honey each. Just let it drizzle on the yoghurt. It looks really pretty that way and you can mix it together with the yoghurt later. We have vanilla-flavored honey right now which, in addition to being really expensive, tastes really good. I will try out the cinnamon-flavored next. Don’t worry, just choose what honey you like best.

I also added about two tablespoons of strawberries which we still had from the evening before to the yoghurt, but you can add whatever fruit you like or just leave it with the grapefruits and yoghurt. It makes a delicious breakfast, and with the addition of a bit of sugar and thoughts of how much work I had put into filleting the fruit I found myself actually enjoying the first bites grapefruit I probably ever had.