Exhausted and Blaming the Sun
I’ve been exhausted all through the week. I mostly blame the weather.
It’s been an extraordinary and unusually sunny and warm summer so far. The thing is that where I live you never know what summer is going to be like. It can be all from cold and rainy to sunny and hot. There’s just no predicting.
Anyway, I don’t mind the weather. I hate it when people complain about it. We should all be happy that we actually do have a real summer, and not bitch about how now it’s too hot and too humid and too sunny. Now if we could only have snow in winter I’d be thrilled.
The bad thing is that I can’t really sleep. The windows in our apartment are open all through the day (and the night), but it never ever cools down. Worst of all I just can’t seem to get tired enough. Every night when I go to bed I just can’t get to sleep. I feel like talking and staying up longer, doing things. And then in the morning when I have to get up I just want to stay in bed and sleep. My whole sleep-rhythms been affected by summer warmth.
Then I eat nothing during the day and am too lazy to fix something healthy or at least halfway dinner-appropriate at night. Everything’s a mess, but mostly I’m just happy because we have a real summer for once.
Speaking of food, I bought a nice bottle of slightly expensive olive oil yesterday. It was 3.25 Euro for 100 ml, just in case someone wants to know, but it was good. We had it for starters, just warm bread with olive oil and a drop of vinegar and then we ordered pizza.
My bento box hasn’t gotten here yet. I guess it’s gonna take some time coming all the way from Japan, but I’m so impatient, I want to have it now! I keep on browsing through cooking magazines and books for inspiration. I also need onigiri molds and all my happiness depends on those rabbit and bear shaped egg molds. I’m crazy. I also infected Andreas with the bento madness and now we can talk about bentos all day long. He’s crazy too, in case you hadn’t noticed.