The Perfect Cake, Maybe?

I have been browsing my cooking magazines constantly the last few days, always in search for a) good things to cook for dinner and b) good things to make for our family reunion in three weeks.

Now I finally found the perfect cake to bake for the party. It’s a pie filled with chocolate ganache (whatever that is, it’s chocolate, that’s all I need to know) and topped with lemon curd. How much better could it be?

I mean, hello?!? Pie? Chocolate? Lemon? It’s a perfect combination!

I saw the recipe in a cooking magazine at the supermarket yesterday, but didn’t want to buy another magazine, since I already have tons of those at home. I wondered if I should just copy down the recipe right there but decided against it. At home I googled for the recipe and thankfully someone had typed it up from the magazine. I’m pretty sure this is not completely okay with the copyrights, but right now I couldn’t care less. I would have paid for the recipe, I just didn’t want to buy another cooking magazine.

Anyway, I will try it out soon and tell you if it was just as good as I expect it to be.