
I don’t have picture to show you, but I took one this morning and will upload it as soon as I get home.

Anyway, like srah, I was faux-bentoing today. I don’t have my bento box yet, and neither did I have a lot of time this morning, but I finally tried out the onigiri molds with leftover rice and what can I say? This is great. I filled a non-bento box with two onigiris, a sesame honey cracker and a nectarine. It was all improvised and maybe „filled“ isn’t the right word considering that the box looks pretty empty, being far too big for what little food I packed.

I flavored the onigiris with furikake, since I couldn’t come up with anything to actually fill them with.

I’ll be able to tell you after lunch how big a success I think my first faux-bento was. I hope I’ll be just as thrilled then as I am now. And pictures will follow. I promise.