Summer Nostalgia
Summer is here and it looks like it might just be about to stay. Let’s hope so. You can never trust the weather in Germany but once in a while we get lucky and then we have a marvelous summer. I love it when it happens.
It fills my head with childhood nostalgia of those weeks of vacation with all the day just for myself, going to the pool, playing on the streets. Or later when I would hang out in the garden or just take the train to Cologne and spend some time there. Now, of course, I have to work and that is a little bit less enjoyable but not at all too bad.
I had a short nap this afternoon. From outside children’s laughter and voices floated in through the window. How nice this is. The warmth, the sun, just easy-going, hang out in your shirt and relax. I could go on and on.
We also decided where to go on vacation this year. We finally settled for France and now we have to find a nice apartment for two (or more, if it’s still affordable) in a nice village somewhere with a garden or a veranda where we can have breakfast and said village nearby to buy croissants and baguettes in the morning. I’ll tell you when I have more details. I am already thrilled about it and naturally all the memories of holidays in France come back, when we went with all the family and one year it was about 14 people altogether when we camped on the Ile d’Oleron.
This is just too nice. I wish those days would last forever. And here I thought I was the autumn or winter type. How wrong do I know myself, huh?