Archive for the 'Working Gal' Category

Feb. 2007

Tired 24/7

If you haven’t heard from me in a while, it’s because I’m either busy or tired. Busy of course means a serious amount of procrastination, including staring at both Powell’s Staff Top 5s of 2006 Picks and my Amazon wish list, which naturally grew a lot longer not long after I noticed that the Top […]

Nov. 2006

Where Did This Year Go?

Wasn’t it spring only recently? Anyway, somehow stuff piles up at the end of the year and I’m barely able to catch my breath. In between I get sick (last weekend for the third and hopefully last time). Now there’s dinner with my aunt today, at a great Korean/Japanese restaurant we discovered some weeks ago. […]

Nov. 2006

How I Quit: The Whole Story

So here’s how it was. There had been rumors my company planned to move to another city. It wouldn’t have been far, but definitely too far for me, plus the extra money I would’ve had to spend on my train ticket seemed unreasonably high to me. Given that and a general feeling of non-fulfilling here […]

Nov. 2006

Oh Dear

So today I quit. Feels weird.

Nov. 2006

What I Learned Today

Telling your boss you’ll quit isn’t nearly as much fun as you might think it is. Especially not if said boss is a really nice guy who isn’t responsible at all for all the little (and not-so-little) things that made you quit. More details to follow.

Okt. 2006


There’s going to be some changes. Not here on this site, but here in my life. Right now it’s too early to write about it yet, mostly because not everything is sure and I’m the person who usually counts her chickens thrice AFTER they hatched, before she dares writing about how incredibly cute they are. […]

Aug. 2006

I Want to Crawl into Bed and Put a Blanket Over My Head

The title says it all. Ever had one of these days which just really sucked? Mine lasts for about a week now. If our vacation wasn’t so close ahead I wouldn’t know what to do. Blame that for the lack of superhappy posts (or, in fact, any posts at all) lately. This job is trying […]

Aug. 2006

Explain This to Me, Please

I think I’d rather feel stupid than superior. At least when it comes to work. The explanation is very simple: If I feel stupid that probably means that I’m working along with people who know more than I do. If I feel superior that basically means that I’m working and dealing with stupid people. And […]

Juli 2006


I don’t have picture to show you, but I took one this morning and will upload it as soon as I get home. Anyway, like srah, I was faux-bentoing today. I don’t have my bento box yet, and neither did I have a lot of time this morning, but I finally tried out the onigiri […]

Juni 2006

Future Plans

Today we took a walk and discussed a few things considering the nearer future. Just so you know, they don’t involve me going back to school in October. And before you start to feel sorry, I’d like to say: Don’t. Only if are filthy rich and want to try something different like putting me through […]

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