Archive for the 'Strange Me' Category

März 2008

Holy Crap, My Subconscious Works in Mysterious Ways

Yesterday evening we watched Aviator and I was confused more or less the whole time because a) I couldn’t decide whether I liked Cate Blanchett as Katherine Hepburn and b) I couldn’t shake the feeling that Cate Blanchett looked about ten years older than Leonardo DiCaprio which kind of ruined the whole Hughes/Hepburn relationship for […]

März 2008

Back When

I used to listen to music really loud lying on the couch with my eyes closed. I used to listen to music doing nothing else, just lying there. I used to fall asleep halfway through Paula Cole’s This Fire, which, if you know the album, is quite an accomplishment. Why the hell don’t I do […]

Jan. 2008

Shocking Revelation

I want an armchair. For the bedroom. God knows why you would want an armchair in your bedroom, considering that in most cases you have a bed in there, but the hotel room in Augsburg kind of inspired me there. Also, I think I’m less likely to fall asleep reading in armchair than in bed. […]

Jan. 2008

Modern Life is Awesome

Until this morning I regarded this new machine that somehow (and I’m still fuzzy on the details as to how it happened) found its way into the set of kitchen appliances as something utterly weird and suspicious. Why do we have a dishwasher now? What’s a dishwasher good for? I mean washing dishes, okay, but […]

Juli 2007

Now That I Finally Understand Lolcats

Via srah. My Score: Longcat 85% Affectionate, 43% Excitable, 42% Hungry Protector of truth. Slayer of darkness. Loooooong. Longcat may seem like just a regular lengthy cat, but he is, in fact, looong. For proof, observe the longpic. It is prophesized that Longcat and his archnemesis Tacgnol will battle for supremacy on Caturday. The outcome […]

Juli 2007

Possible Public Humiliation is Like the Best Motivation Ever!

At least I can say now that I have run more often that back then when I thought I would keep up with it. This might also be because I finally let Liz coax me into signing up for the 10K in September. Now of course I might need new running shoes and all, but […]

Mai 2007

How Bad is it Then?

How wrong is it that when Cristina gets freaked out about how Burke has arranged his books using the Dewey Decimal System on Grey’s Anatomy I actually think: „Hey, what a great idea.“ I shouldn’t get my own library room. I’d probably go insane.

Apr. 2007

Re: Taking Over the World

Yeah, so, Ehle, I’m all set for the whole taking over the world thing. You free on Tuesday? If not, we can reschedule and all. See you then, Jamie. PS: And what happened to your blog?

Apr. 2007

Jealous Me on a Sunny Sunday & Stuff

I’m writing this from bed. Not because of any particular reason, but because I can. And I can, because I have this awesome shiny new MacBook and now I can do all these things I couldn’t do before. Like brushing up my CSS on the balcony or watching American Idol in the living room and […]

Nov. 2006

Wink Wink

This post reminded me of the fact that I, too, can only wink with one eye. I was surprised to learn that there are people who actually cannot wink at all. Apparently my family has strong winking genes. I am the mutant who can only wink with her left eye. I can curl my tongue […]

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