Wink Wink

This post reminded me of the fact that I, too, can only wink with one eye. I was surprised to learn that there are people who actually cannot wink at all. Apparently my family has strong winking genes. I am the mutant who can only wink with her left eye. I can curl my tongue though.

I somehow believe this might has to do with the fact that my right eye is my weak eye. When I got contacts a while ago, I only had to get one for my right eye, because my left eye is good enough to see on its own.

I also noticed that there are people who somehow cannot grasp the concept of „can’t“. See, when I say that I can’t wink with my right eye, I mean it. I can’t. Repeatedly I’ve been asked to „Just try“, followed by some excited, but quickly disappointed, staring at my face. Nothing happens with my face when I try to wink with my right eye. Because I can’t. There’s no twitch, no strange face, no fluttering eyelid or whatever you might expect to see when someone who cannot wink with their right eye tries to. There’s just nothing. Because I CAN’T wink with my right eye. I suppose my brain does something, but there’s no visible action. AT ALL.

Stop asking me to try when I’m trying. Hard. And the fact that there’s nothing happening should be proof enough that I really can’t. Mutant freak, me.