Ten Isn’t That Much More Than Six, Is It?
Today I will try to run a 10k without dying. Let’s hope I succeed. Afterwards I might go out with some friends from work, one of whom won’t be with the company much longer, since she decided to go back to the USA, to which I have no more to say than Liz, I hope you’re going to find a wonderful new job in a great town, and choose it wisely because we’d really like to come and visit you there.
The rest of the time we spend moving. Half of our stuff is already over there and the rest will follow next weekend. Which means, we’re MOVING NEXT WEEKEND. We still don’t have a kitchen and most of our books are strewn about the apartment, because we are too cheap to buy any more boxes, so we just bring stuff over there, unpack it and take the empty boxes back home. And this makes a lot more sense if you knew how freaking expensive good cardboard boxes are. And nobody wants bad boxes, because they fall apart like right-away and nobody wants that.