Archive for the 'Yummy' Category

Sep. 2006

Yeast – Jamie. Jamie – Yeast.

Somehow I refuse to believe that yeast and I are not meant for each other. I always come back and try again. There’s a good relationship in there somewhere, we just haven’t found it yet. At least we respect each other, or at least I respect The Yeast. A lot. I believe yeast is a […]

Sep. 2006

You Can Take the Girl Out of France, But…

Just to make that clear and to avoid confusion: I am not nor have I ever been French. Unfortunately, might I add. But I have been a francophile as long as I can remember, possibly since the first time my parents took me there when I was three and the only thing I can remember […]

Sep. 2006

Too Much Food

Recently I’ve gone a bit crazy over cook books and magazines. I even dragged the husband to Draguignan under false pretenses, so that I could find a bookstore and get my very own copy of „Cantines„, a French cook book featuring food served in French school cafeterias interpreted by chefs. I read about it on […]

Aug. 2006


Artignosc sur Verdon We’ll be on the road in less than 24 hours. Please excuse the recent lack of posts here. There’s been too much going on and too many nights when I went to bed a lot earlier than I usually do. Let’s hope it will all get better soon.

Aug. 2006

Because Caitlin Said So…

Okay, so here there are… all the bento lunches I took the time to photograph so far. Click on the pictures for a detailed information on flickr. I’m both too lazy and too tired to type it up again. It doesn’t vary as much as I want it to, but now I always have healthy […]

Aug. 2006

Picture Update

There it is: I think it’s even smaller than it appears here in the picture. It’s really small is what I’m trying to say.

Aug. 2006

The Silver Lining

This week has been one of the worse ones so far. Somehow I just don’t like work right now, I’m constantly complaining, the weather changed from sunny and warm (well, hot actually) to gray, cold and wet, basically: It was just not my week. Andreas, Winnie and I kept bitching about mostly everything in emails […]

Aug. 2006

Fresh Farm Food

On Saturday we made something remotely resembling a round trip through the villages around our town. A co-worker had told me where to find farms selling their products in little shops, so we tried to find the ones she told me about and were more than successful. We stopped at three farms, offering meat, vegetables, […]

Aug. 2006

Look and Be Jealous

Aug. 2006

More on Food (Who’d Have Thought?)

Yes, it’s the theme of the past week and it will be the theme for the weeks to come. Deal with it. I’m going through a food phase. Everything is about food here. I read about it, I think about it and I write about it. Blame whatever you want. I just love food and […]

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