You Can Take the Girl Out of France, But…
Just to make that clear and to avoid confusion: I am not nor have I ever been French. Unfortunately, might I add. But I have been a francophile as long as I can remember, possibly since the first time my parents took me there when I was three and the only thing I can remember is sitting in a black and brown „Ente“ (or „deux chevaux“ as I just learned) driving somewhere.
But nevertheless I managed to enjoy a four course bento box meal for lunch today. It’s not that hard, actually, but I was thrilled once I discovered that I don’t have to give up those marvelous eating habits I’m trying so hard to adapt.
The menu, if you’d like to call it so, went like this:
Tomato and cucumber salad, seasoned with salt and coarsely ground pepper
Yesterday’s leftovers, which was Asian stirfry with rice
One babybel cheese
Japanese caramel flavored pocky sticks
Now I suppose that if I just try a little harder I’ll be able to enjoy a first class four course lunch at my desk every now and then.