Archive for Juli, 2007

Juli 2007

Half a Week in Cracow

It’s Tuesday afternoon, which means that half of our week in Cracow is over. So far we’ve had an amazing time and I highly recommend this city to anyone who wants to spend some time in a pretty and charming European town. You shouldn’t be worried about communication problems. The standard answer to a shy […]

Juli 2007

Proof of Life

Cracow is awesome. And it has wireless LAN access, too. Even better, I can already say important things like „Thanks“ and „Goodbye“ in Polish. How cool is that?

Juli 2007

The Night Before Leaving

If you don’t hear anything from me in the next week it’s because we’re in Krakow. If you do hear something from me here it’s because there might be wireless LAN access in Krakow. Who knows? On a completely different note we haven’t heard anything from the real estate agent so far and it’s slowly […]

Juli 2007

Cover Girls

I’m always amazed when I hear a cover song of a song I always thought of as uncoverable. I always choose songs that are very songwritery and therefore rather easy to play on the piano and I do a pretty awesome interpretation of Leonard Cohen’s Famous Blue Raincoat, if I may say so. But just […]

Juli 2007

Oh my, oh my, oh my.

Looking good is all that I can say right now. Hopefully it stays that way. And yes, I’m still extremely nervous and easy to irritate. I must be a real source of fun and joy to be working (and living) with right now. I just hope I can enjoy our week in Krakow as much […]

Juli 2007

I Wonder When it Will be Over.

For the first time in a very, very, very long time I’m so nervous and worried that I’m feeling sick. I never thought that buying an apartment would do that to me, but apparently it does. Fortunately the husband is a lot less nervous and worried. And that’s a really good thing, because otherwise we’d […]

Juli 2007

Random Thursday Things

I find this both irritating and fascinating, but the Velvet Underground’s „Stephanie Says“ and „Sunday Morning“ are really basically the same song. The thing is, I like them both very much and considering that they are both originally by the same band, it’s not really melody stealing. Or is it? — I have this wonderful […]

Juli 2007

Possible Public Humiliation is Like the Best Motivation Ever!

At least I can say now that I have run more often that back then when I thought I would keep up with it. This might also be because I finally let Liz coax me into signing up for the 10K in September. Now of course I might need new running shoes and all, but […]

Juli 2007


So far nothing’s settled, but everything looks good. I’ll let you know more when I feel safe talking about it. It’s not that I don’t trust you, but I don’t trust things that run too smoothly. I fear that something’s going to happen and that by bragging too much and being too enthusiastic and/or optimistic […]

Juli 2007

Game Night

It’s 2 am and we just got back from a game night. A friend from work invited us and we played three rounds of „Shadows over Camelot“ which, after some initial confusion, turned out to be an awesome game. Now I have a little math quiz for you. If one out of eight cards is […]

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