Archive for the 'Bitchworthy' Category

Apr. 2007

Mmmmm…. Yummy.

Hey there, you people somewhere in one of those backyards! I can’t see you, but I want to tell you this: Stop barbequeing. It smells too good and I might start to drool right about… NOW! Stop! Gaaaaa!

Dez. 2006

December Irony

Of course it so happens that I try to read one of the most thrilling books of the year at the end of the year when I have other plans every damn day. If I didn’t have to get ready to go to the opera (no, your eyes are fine, I’m actually going to the […]

Dez. 2006

Fun Temporarily on Hold

Warning: If you don’t like rants, don’t read on. No, really. Don’t. Because we’re the luckiest people on earth our camera broke about one week after we got it. A pin is bent in the CF slot. Nikon says it’s our fault, I says they better fix it without charging us (damn). Right now the […]

Nov. 2006

Wink Wink

This post reminded me of the fact that I, too, can only wink with one eye. I was surprised to learn that there are people who actually cannot wink at all. Apparently my family has strong winking genes. I am the mutant who can only wink with her left eye. I can curl my tongue […]

Nov. 2006

Lessons Learned Twice

If you are sick, don’t go to work. Just don’t. I’m not saying this because I’m lazy and don’t want to go to work, but because I have tried this twice and both times the sickness came back and worse. That’s why after a mild case of not-so-wellness including off-and-on stomach ache and the like […]

Okt. 2006

Just Sayin‘

As long as myspace is as confusing and as ugly as it is, I will keep on avoiding it. I just thought I’d let you know that it is unlikely I’ll ever see your myspace page. So you can stop updating now and move to a better service, which is cleaner, prettier and probably not […]

Aug. 2006

How Is That Fair Anyway?

I can’t believe it’s only Tuesday. I can’t believe it’s three more days (not counting today) until the weekend. I can’t believe the week just started. And I still don’t get why I only get two days off for five days of working. A three/four ratio would be a lot easier to understand and accept.

Aug. 2006

I Forgot to Vote!

Oh no. OH NO! I forgot this year’s Tubey Awards. How could I have forgotten them? How? Now the first results are up and I don’t even know all the fun things I could have been able to vote for IF I HADN’T FORGOTTEN TO CHECK IT OUT. How could that have happened? I’m devastated […]

Aug. 2006

Shut Up.

My computer makes strange noises and I want it to stop. Not because I’m worried, but because it’s driving me insane. Just like leaking water faucets and creaking doors drive me insane.

Juli 2006

Bye-bye, Little True

Sadly, on 21st July 2006, only a few days after marrying medical student Brent Morris, she died of a heart attack. I can’t believe that J. Madison Wright died. Now I’m sad. I know that I didn’t even know her, but reading that someone four years younger than yourself died of a freaking heart attack […]

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