I never saw that coming and I have yet to evaluate all the other applications, but so far World of Goo is my favorite MacHeist3 application. I should have known, though. I’m a sucker for these addictive games.

I also love how dramatic the video for the game is. It doesn’t really fit the game’s character, though. Not at all. The game is mostly cute bubbly goo balls with squeaky voices, just to give you an idea.

For a further review of how I like the other apps, stay tuned. (Teaser: Delicious Library left me a bit underwhelmed. Although admittedly barcode scanning is fun.)

Apr 2009


The trailer for Where the Wild Things Are looks really cool. I wasn’t even a big fan of the book as a child. I didn’t actively dislike it, but it didn’t play that big a role for me. I was raised more on Janosch, Astrid Lindgren and Erich Kästner for that matter.

Anyway. It took me a few seconds to recognize the song. It’s Wake Up by Arcade Fire, just in case you wanted to know.

I really like this video. Somehow it manages to give a very good and remarkably quick overview on how Google evolved over the past ten years.

Since iTunes isn’t listening to me, here’s a feature request for Last.fm (and I’m only half joking here). I’d like the guys to kind of aggregate my neighbor data and tell me something like:

Your musical taste most closely matches that of a 23 year old male from Denmark.

And then I can go and contemplate that for a few hours and decide whether I should be worried or not.

I actually think that would be kind of cool. Scary sometimes, maybe, but still cool. Also, I am aware that all my feature requests had more chances to get implemented if I wouldn’t just post them on my blog but on the relevant forums. Turns out I’m too lazy to do that. But you are invited to do so and I won’t sue you for credit. I’d be happy enough to see my feature wishes become reality.

One of my co-workers just explained his next devious scheme:

If you happen to live near a public park, install a camera, film parents hiding easter chocolates for their kids and then steal out when nobody’s looking and collect everything for yourself.

There’s a lot of criminal and morally questionable energy here and I think it’s contagious. At least, Andreas was slightly irritated when last Wednesday night I started musing about what items you might and might not be able to steal (and get away with it) from Starbucks (mugs: yes, chairs: maybe, lamps: probably not).

Turns out I have nothing better to do on a Sunday than taking pictures of how my desktop looks like. Oh well. (Hint, if you click on the picture, you will be taken to the flickr page and be able to see tons of totally useful notes on what all of the stuff actually is.)

How the hell did I forget about Harvey Danger’s Flagpole Sitta? It just went into my Wake Up! playlist, because that’s where it should have been all along.

Apr 2009

Here Be No Captchas

A couple of days ago David Pogue wrote about two of his pet peeves and although I have never encountered the first one (having to confirm you’re a real human being when sending a mail to someone by taking an online test), I do agree that captchas are annoying.

I do see why people would use them, but they’re irritating and user-unfriendly and an unwelcome interruption when you just want to post a sweet short comment.

As for the user-unfriendliness, some good examples on why captchas are probably not what you want to force your readers to deal with can be found on I Hate Word Verifications. There you can find a nice selection of unreadable captchas, a good showcase of about everything that doesn’t work with the concept in the real world.

I have been using Akismet to catch Spam comments for a few years now. As mentioned before I can’t tell you for sure whether it ate some real comments by accident, but my general gut feeling tells me that it’s doing a pretty good job telling spam and non-spam apart and saves me from having to dig to a mass of spam comments. So fortunately I don’t even feel the need of having to torture you with crumpled letters when you decide to delurk and leave a comment.

And if I ever had to ask you to prove that you’re indeed a real human being, it would look more like this (via xkcd):
XKCD Captcha

Apr 2009

Trial Fail

Trial Fail

Apart from the obvious typo, somehow the concept of paying for a trial escapes me.

Heard at this morning’s team status meeting:

„Yesterday I did the training and I lost all respect for David Hasselhoff. [Short pause.] Who posted that link?!?“

(Answer: I posted that link.)

bike seat amazon https://relaxthemuscle.com/