Archive for Januar, 2008

Jan. 2008

The aforementioned leek. Since it’s winter neither the husband nor I have bothered going out and picking it up. It’s not like we’re using the terrace in this weather anyhow. But it kind of feels nice to blame the weather for my sloppiness.

Jan. 2008

Things I Don’t Necessarily Need to Know on a Thursday Morning

There is also a doorman and a sweet roof top deck with a killer view of the Empire State Building. Listen, Liz, I love you. I do. But see, we don’t even have a roof top deck, let alone one with a killer view of the Empire State Building. We do have a terrace and […]

Jan. 2008

There Will Be More

Sorry for posting mostly pictures and one-liners. There will be more in the future. For example stuff about our new kitchen and other whatnots. But for the moment you have to be happy with what little crumbs of blog entertainment I’m throwing at you. At least the pictures are pretty, ain’t they?

Jan. 2008

Jan. 2008

Jan. 2008

Stranger Things Have Happened, But Still

Somebody threw leek on our terrace. Or dropped it, whatever. That’s a first.

Jan. 2008

Musical Quote of the Day

It takes a uniquely fucked-up man to break his own heart And the right girl at the wrong time to make him to do it Luke Doucet – One Too Many

Jan. 2008

TV Show Quote of the Day

Barney: What’s the opposite of namedropping? How I Met Your Mother – Episode 3×11 ‚The Platinum Rule‘

Jan. 2008

TV Show Quote of the Day

Dani Reese: Why exactly would the universe make fun of us all? Charlie Crews: Maybe it’s insecure. Life – Episode 1×01

Jan. 2008

Musical Quote of the Day

Don’t let love bring you down You’re lucky that you ever found Such a beautiful thing to fall apart for Melissa McClelland – Oh Love

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