Things I Don’t Necessarily Need to Know on a Thursday Morning
There is also a doorman and a sweet roof top deck with a killer view of the Empire State Building.
Listen, Liz, I love you. I do. But see, we don’t even have a roof top deck, let alone one with a killer view of the Empire State Building. We do have a terrace and from our living room windows we have an awesome view on the recently boarded up pizza place across the street. And for someone like me, who doesn’t need more than the mere words „New York“ to develop a fully developed and painfully aching New York yearning, that’s really not helpful. Especially when it’s the first thing you read when you get to work in the morning.
What’s more interesting though: Is your place big enough to sleep two more people, like… gee, I don’t know… me and the husband? Because that’s what would make it truly amazing.