Archive for Juni, 2006

Juni 2006

Not Meant to Be

Yesterday my grandfather turned 80 and we learned that an Italian first communion party and an 80th birthday should never ever be held in the same restaurant at the same time. Just trust me. It’s wrong. Today my other grandfather would have turned 95. As I expected the thought doesn’t make me especially sad, I […]

Juni 2006

What Are You Thinking?

I don’t think it’s excusable that our local book store has not a single book by the wonderful and wonderfully messy-haired Neil Gaiman. At least I found none. And I’m good at finding books, believe me. I have like this inner book-store map, that enables me to find what I want in nearly every book […]

Juni 2006

Pictures! More Pictures!

I started to upload the pictures of our Great Lakes Tour on Flickr. I’m making progress slowly, but at least there is progress. You can find them here.

Juni 2006

In Need of Time Off

It seems like I don’t find the time to write or I don’t have anything to write about. Maybe it’s both. We recently started a few new projects. One of them is recording my songs. We always wanted to do that, but now it seems like we’re finally getting somewhere. You can put the blame […]

Juni 2006

Not Lost But Exhausted

I had a minor Lost Marathon (Lostathon?) tonight. I’m working on watching on the finales of all the shows that have been piling up, but I think (or I hope) that I’m making progress. I just learned what you get when you’re both DUIing and on the Lost staff. Shot. Gosh, I hope I didn’t […]

Juni 2006

Hear Me Sing!

Hey there! One of my songs recently was featured in C.C. Chapman’s Accident Hash podcast. You can listen to the whole podcast here. This is so exciting. Be happy for me. Like now.

Juni 2006

Family Dates

11 April 1915 My grandmother is born 1941 My grandparents get engaged 2005 My husband and I get married 20 March 1980 My parents get married 1989 My cousin Laura is born 2006 My grandfather dies No reason not to believe in the circle of life.

Juni 2006

Re: Charmed Comment

dondiaz said: Whoa, easy there. You kiss your mom with that mouth? 1. Yes. 2. I think I got my full rights to freak out after all the crappy episodes I had to endure. 3. By the way, the dirtiest jokes I know I usually learned from my mother. So, that’s all answered then?

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