In Need of Time Off
It seems like I don’t find the time to write or I don’t have anything to write about. Maybe it’s both. We recently started a few new projects. One of them is recording my songs. We always wanted to do that, but now it seems like we’re finally getting somewhere. You can put the blame on me… I’m the lazy one, tinkling on the piano, toying around with song ideas, but when it comes down to actually recording something it just seems to much work. It makes my husband unhappy, which shows how much he loves me. He hates the thought of me wasting my talent and is always pushing me.
He finally succeeded and now we have a first song in the making and it sounds good and we’re both happy.
Another reason for getting into that again is the recent development in podcasting and everything. My music has been played twice already. It’s not much, but it’s a whole different feeling to hear your song featured in something. It makes my heart jump, I just love it. One of the husband’s songs has been featured as well. This probably won’t make us rich or popular, but suddenly you don’t need to put all the work in marketing and such. Just put your music out there and it might just get played in someone else’s podcast. It’s easy and fun.
Podcasting is fun, also. I’m sorry most of you can’t understand it. It’s a lot of work, so I don’t think I will podcast in English any time soon. If ever. I get a lot of positive feedback and I get to talk about all of my favorite things: books, music, TV shows and movies and everything else. A few days ago someone sent me a book from my amazon wishlist. Isn’t that just awfully nice? I love how every now and then my work there, hobby or not, is rewarded.
That’s basically it. Sunday next week will be my grandfather’s 80th birthday. The following Monday my other grandfather would have turned 95. Well. I don’t know if that makes me sad. It makes me feel strange, mostly because I don’t know what to think about it. Should I feel sad? I’m not sure. Thinking about him makes me sad sometimes, which is natural, but I don’t think I will be particularly sad on his birthday.
Finally, I want you all to check out The Weepies‘ „Say I Am You“. I just love their music and am listening to it right now. It’s so incredibly sweet and light. Go and listen to it.