Archive for Januar, 2006

Jan. 2006

The War At Home, Pt. 2

Today we installed our new radio/CD player in our car. Before we had only radio and tape deck and that just didn’t seem enough. Now we can listen to radio AND listen to CDs AND listen to MP3s AND plug in any MP3-player (including my iPod) when driving. As great as this is it also […]

Jan. 2006

I Have No Idea Why I’m Confessing This

Watching the first two episodes of American Idol (and yes, I can, because the internet is a good thing) I must say that: a) I love Simon. No, seriously. Mostly because he’s British and because he doesn’t insult me and probably never will get the chance to. But the British! I cannot hate someone who […]

Jan. 2006

Irony Delivered by the German Postal Service

While I was out fetching one package from the post office (because the mailman apparently wouldn’t leave it with one of my neighbors like they used to do the last few times), presumably at the precise moment the clerk gave me the package, another (or the same?) mailman tried to deliver season 4 of Gilmore […]

Jan. 2006

A Classic Epiphany Moment

I suddenly felt old when I realized that I’m only five years younger than someone who’s thirty. I swear that only yesterday thirty was ages away. Or was that ten years ago?

Jan. 2006

The Legendary Cheesecake Muffins

Because all of you wouldn’t stop and some of you already started ingredient inquiries (and were successful, DAMN!), I feel I cannot let you wait any longer. I tried my best to translate this into English, but you just don’t know how hard it is to translate a recipe into another language. Well, what can […]

Jan. 2006

Days With More To Do

On Wednesday we had a company dinner in Cologne, which is why I left the house around 7 am and came home about five minutes before midnight. On Thursday I had to live through the repercussions (going through 20 liters of beer with only 14 people is kind of an accomplishment, don’t you think?) of […]

Jan. 2006

Mysterious Food

See here for a Wikipedia entry for the mysterious German dairy product that is „Quark“. So what other product that you could actually get somewhere would come closest? Of course, I can get Quark anytime I want. It’s right next to yoghurt, cream and sour cream which is NOT the same as American sour cream, […]

Jan. 2006

Random Pictures on a Random Tuesday

Just because I have nothing specific to write about. Our New Year’s Ritual: More sushi than two people can possibly eat in one sitting. (There was plenty left on the next day.) See, how he can’t wait to start? I like that picture. I love our piano. And I certainly love my husband. It’s a […]

Jan. 2006

I Would Move, Too, If I Wanted to Move

On Saturday we helped some friends with their new apartment. I can’t decide if that’s a sick joke or a funny coincidence, but they found a great apartment right on the other side of the street where my office building is. With a huge living room and a enourmous balcony. Anyway, all we did for […]

Jan. 2006

Screwing With Time Sounds Like Fun, But I Guess It Isn’t

After reading „The Time Traveler’s Wife“ about one year ago I recently finished „The Confessions of Max Tivoli“ by Andrew Sean Greer and I came to the conclusion that I can be grateful for a) not aging backwards and b) not jumping around in time uncontrollably (Is that even a word? And if it is, […]

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