I Would Move, Too, If I Wanted to Move

On Saturday we helped some friends with their new apartment. I can’t decide if that’s a sick joke or a funny coincidence, but they found a great apartment right on the other side of the street where my office building is. With a huge living room and a enourmous balcony.
Anyway, all we did for the three hours of actual helping time (minus the time it took us to eat soup) was soaking wallpaper with water and then tearing it down.

Which is great fun. No, really. If there’s one fun thing to do about a new apartment it’s tearing stuff down. Because whatever comes next just involves too much thinking and half of the times a credit card as well. But tearing stuff down? Easy. Brainless. Fun.

Until you get to the wall where the last layer of wallpaper just sticks to the wall like glue. Then the fun stops. And we are likely to disappear.