Archive for November, 2005

Nov. 2005

A Whole New Me

As promised – mostly to myself – I went to get my hair cut today. I have thought of it for quite a while, but put it off until my vacation because I have to get used to my hair before I can properly deal with other people’s comments about it. Can I just say […]

Nov. 2005

First Day of Bliss

Why would I get up at 6:30 on my first day of vacation? Here’s why: First I brought my husband to the station. With that I don’t mean that I took him their in the car, because we still don’t have one, but I walked with him there. Because I am a loving wife and […]

Nov. 2005

Rise and Shine

Whenever something important happens I go alarm-clock-crazy. Tomorrow my husband has to catch an early train for a teaching job in Bonn, so I already set my alarm clock plus my cell phone. I may later choose to set his alarm clock also. When we left for Chicago and had to get up at 4 […]

Nov. 2005

Today’s Musical Quote

You need questions Forget about the answers Do you really wanna die this way Nobody Number One – Over the Rhine

Nov. 2005

Today’s Musical Quote

Now it’s over I’m dead and I haven’t done anything that I want Or, I’m still alive and there’s nothing I want to do Dead – They Might Be Giants

Nov. 2005

Once More With Feeling

There are a few, very few, movies that I found I enjoy more every time I watch them. Actually, there might only be two, and one of them I have only seen twice up to now, but the experience struck me as strange, so here it will be mentioned nevertheless. The first one and probably […]

Nov. 2005

Sure, I Could Watch an Episode of Scrubs Instead, But Still

Everybody’s trying to tell me we need a dishwasher. Here’s a shocking fact: I don’t need a dishwasher. I don’t want one. It’s not like I am against dishwashers in general or that I completely rule out ever owning one, but our kitchen is fitted and filled perfectly, so I wouldn’t even know where to […]

Nov. 2005

Does That Mean I’m Chartsworthy?

Last week 35 people downloaded this song from my other webpage. I’m feeling famous already.

Nov. 2005

Saturday Plans

Wow, it’s already noon and I just got up about half an hour ago. That’s probably because „The Movies“ kept me at my computer until after 1 am, and then I had strange dreams including making movies and Harry Potter and strangers reading my emails. Paranoid, me? Now I have to think of what to […]

Nov. 2005

Stars Are Complicated

Well, well, I’ve waited for a whole week until I couldn’t stand it any longer and got myself „The Movies“. After three hours I already know how complicated stars – or in this case starlets – can be. Duh. They’re not even professionals. They’re like Tobias from Arrested Development, only they actually have a learning […]

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