Stars Are Complicated

Well, well, I’ve waited for a whole week until I couldn’t stand it any longer and got myself „The Movies“. After three hours I already know how complicated stars – or in this case starlets – can be. Duh. They’re not even professionals. They’re like Tobias from Arrested Development, only they actually have a learning curve.
I also finished my first script. It was a romance movie set in the wild west and I have no idea what it is about, but it takes place in the desert and in a saloon and it’s very sad. It also has a dog, because there was one in the props box. Oh, people get drunk and sit down on piano stools.
Sounds like a hit, doesn’t it?

I think this would be a perfect game for srah, so take my advice and don’t buy it. It will most probably absorb all your free time like it just has absorbed my whole evening.

I also got Joni Mitchell’s „Blue“ because it’s so big with Caitlin’s family and because I thought I can’t be a serious music lover and not have a Joni CD. Plus, it was only five Euro.

No more purchases for me now. We might actually get a car and I will never have money to spend again.