Archive for Oktober, 2005

Okt. 2005

The War At Home

The good thing about my husband and me is that we rarely ever fight. The bad thing is that we tend to have arguments over the most unimportant things. Like marmelade. A few weeks ago my mother brought me two jars of my very favorite marmelade, the one that I have yet to find in […]

Okt. 2005

It’s Happened!

Happy Blogaversary to me! Now you can congratulate me. And there’s a link to my wishlist on the right. Don’t be shy.

Okt. 2005

Screw The Copyrights

This is so totally a conversation between Andreas and me that I can’t believe it can be protected by copyright, at least not against me. I should be filing a lawsuit or something, because I think Tony Cochran’s eavesdropped on us.

Okt. 2005

More Visual Memories

I added the next six pictures at flickr. Once I am done complaining about my job I will find some time to actually write about it.

Okt. 2005

For Your Own Good, Don’t Watch This

Wow, Charmed’s season eight started off with two terrificly horrible episodes. Why, for anybody’s sake, am I still watching this? Why can’t I stop? And, who the hell is Kaley Cuoco? And why do I have to watch her, too? And what’s with her lips? And the ridiculous tries to make this show seem like […]

Okt. 2005

What I Learned On Our Vacation

I am very good at reading maps. I’m like… a map-reading genius. I am not so good at giving directions, though: Me: „Okay, now you have to go there!“ (pointing in one direction) The Husband (reasonably focused on the traffic): „Where?“ Me: „There. THERE!“ (hectic arm movements towards said direction) The Husband (reasonably getting nervous): […]

Okt. 2005

Today’s Musical Quote

Demonstrate I was raised from the start By a priest and the maid on the part. Still I know what to wear on my back: Michigan! Ponshewaing! Cadillac! Say Yes! To M!ch!gan! – Sufjan Stevens

Okt. 2005

Getting Back To Normal And Slowly So

I’ve uploaded the first six of what’s going to be an indefinite number of pictures on flickr. I will upload more, but it’ll take some time because I cannot think of more than six witty, yet informative descriptions for my pictures in a row. The stories will follow too, but at the moment I’m busy […]

Okt. 2005

If Only I Would Think Before I Buy

The good news is: I am the proud and – might I say – caring owner of a beautiful iPod. The bad news is: I can never again buy anything anymore. But I really thing it was worth it.

Okt. 2005


We’re back. We could have stayed a lot longer. There were just many things that we had no time to do and we kept saying „Well, we have to come back for this“. I hope we will. Thanks to Caitlin, Srah, Srahmom, Srahdad, Laura, Charles and Caitlin’s family in Pennsylvania for making this trip as […]

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