Archive for the 'Living Online' Category

Apr. 2009

Too Close to the Real World (But Good)

This made me laugh until I cried at work. Some people there looked seriously concerned, until they watched it. You’ve probably already seen it, but just in case, you haven’t, now you have to. No excuses. Plus, here’s the direct link to the video on The Onion’s website.

Apr. 2009

Cute Little Goo Balls

I never saw that coming and I have yet to evaluate all the other applications, but so far World of Goo is my favorite MacHeist3 application. I should have known, though. I’m a sucker for these addictive games. I also love how dramatic the video for the game is. It doesn’t really fit the game’s […]

Apr. 2009 Feature Request

Since iTunes isn’t listening to me, here’s a feature request for (and I’m only half joking here). I’d like the guys to kind of aggregate my neighbor data and tell me something like: Your musical taste most closely matches that of a 23 year old male from Denmark. And then I can go and […]

Apr. 2009

Here Be No Captchas

A couple of days ago David Pogue wrote about two of his pet peeves and although I have never encountered the first one (having to confirm you’re a real human being when sending a mail to someone by taking an online test), I do agree that captchas are annoying. I do see why people would […]

Apr. 2009

Trial Fail

Apart from the obvious typo, somehow the concept of paying for a trial escapes me.

Apr. 2009

Status Meetings Are Fun!

Heard at this morning’s team status meeting: „Yesterday I did the training and I lost all respect for David Hasselhoff. [Short pause.] Who posted that link?!?“ (Answer: I posted that link.)

Apr. 2009

One, Two, Three, Four, Five Candles

Happy fifth birthday to Gmail! As part of my personal Gmail birthday party I tried to find out how old my account is. I can’t tell for sure, but this post indicates that I’ve been using Gmail since early January 2005, so it was about eight months old by then. I know there are some […]

März 2009


I actually planned to do something else here1, but it was too time-consuming for a Tuesday night, so I’m just keeping it simple with a little reminder coming via BustedTees: Now go buy a shirt. 1And no, I’m not going to tell you what it was. It wasn’t that great anyway.

März 2009

Sneezing Things and the Laughing Baby

I caught a nasty cold again. It doesn’t feel so long since the last one. For me it usually starts with a sore throat. Then it’s two nights of restless sleep, because swallowing hurts so much it makes me want to punch the wall or something equally distracting. Then you’ll have me sniffling, coughing and […]

März 2009

My Life as a Manga Heroine

Based on the amount of similar avatars I have seen on the internet, this probably is ancient news to some of you, but I have indeed been asked about that a couple of times at work, so I’ll just mention it here again and hopefully be done with it. That image of myself in the […]

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