Part II
Now that I met you nothing’s the same It’s not going to be it ever again If you stay or walk away If I’m off or if I’m brave Missed it yesterday… sorry for that, Stina.
Now that I met you nothing’s the same It’s not going to be it ever again If you stay or walk away If I’m off or if I’m brave Missed it yesterday… sorry for that, Stina.
I half-officially declare this Stina Nordenstam quote week… Now, let’s kick it off with: These are not perfect conditions No this is far from ideal This is a downcast position At least it is real Now, let’s see if at the end of the week I have a vague idea about which Stina album is […]
I guess, living in the city with the largest Japanese community in Germany, you shouldn’t be too surprised when some of the opera choir singers look very much like Hiro and Ando from Heroes. But it is so damn confusing.
I think that iTunes should have some kind of wishlist. Not actually for other people to buy me stuff (although that’s always appreciated), but for me to remember songs that I might want to buy in the future, depending on how my bank account looks. Mostly like my amazon wishlist which I don’t really expect […]
As seen at Srah’s. Here are the rules… 1. Put your mp3 player or music player on your computer on random. 2. Post the first four lines from the first 20 songs that play, no matter how embarrassing the song (Skip repeat artists). 3. Post and let everyone you know guess what song and artist […]
You were in my dream You were driving circles around me Kristin Hersh – Your Ghost
You know it’s nothin new Bad news never had good timing John Mayer – Heart of Life
Am I headed for the same brick wall? Is there anything I can do about anything at all? Ani DiFranco – Fuel (Well, it’s not my fault that song is so damn quoteworthy.)
The distance is quite simply much too far for me to row It seems farther than ever before Death Cab for Cutie – Transatlanticism
Well I know you wish you were strong, You wish you were never wrong, Well I got some wishes of my own. Sheryl Crow – Anything But Down